It's never too early to start thinking about college. Most students begin taking college classes their Junior Year.
Begin thinking of careers, degrees, and colleges you may be interested in.
Begin thinking of careers, degrees, and colleges you may be interested in.
- Focus on getting good grades! Your GPA starts now.
- Register on scholarship websites
- Watch for details about taking the PLAN (practice ACT) during November of your Sophomore year.
- Get involved. Try a variety of activities so that you can find out what really interests you
GPAYour GPA is one of the most important areas that colleges look at in order to accept you at their college. You don't want your GPA to be the reason you can't attend.
SCHOLARSHIPSWhy not go to college and someone else pay for it? Make sure you look into scholarships that will help you pay for you school. Remeber, your GPA is the most telling feature scholarships will look at.
TESTINGIt's never to early to start testing, even if it is practice testing. The more practice and familiarity you have with any college standardized test, the better you will do!