Junior Year Checklist
- Keeping a high GPA is a MUST!! Your average at the end of your junior year is what goes on your college applications in the fall.
- Stay involved in a variety of areas. Colleges look for well-rounded applicants.
- Take the PSAT (practice SAT) in October.
- Gather information from colleges, tech schools, etc. Research admission requirements and application deadlines at www.FACTS.org. Make a list of about 5 potential colleges.
- Utilize your five college days. Request brochures and catalogs, attend college fairs, and begin visiting colleges.
- Consider taking a online Career Test or Quiz by visiting the “Guidance Corner” on the school’s website.
- Start thinking about possible majors. Pick a major or two to help you narrow your college choices.
- Research what type of degree or certification is necessary for the career you believe God is calling you to pursue.
- Register at scholarship websites.
- Sign up to take the ACT and SAT
- Make sure you are using your PSAT online test assistance to review your PSAT test and read about additional college readiness ideas. Remember, you access code is on your PSAT score report.
- Take the ASVAB (military test) in February and complete the Career Exploration program.
- Start budgeting for college costs and search for scholarships. Sit down with your parents to find out if and how much they plan to contribute to your college education.
- Sign up to retake the ACT and SAT by June to try for a higher score before your senior year.
- All young men turning 18 must sign up with the selective service (www.sss.gove/hslink.htm)
- Check credits and narrow your selection of colleges.
- Collect names and addresses of reference for recommendation letters.
- Request applications from the colleges of your choice.
GPAYour GPA has counted since your Freshman year and it is even more important now! Continue to keep it up!
SCHOLARSHIPSStart applying to scholarships now! The more you attain your Junior Year, the less you have to do your Senior Year.
TESTSBegin taking the ACT and SAT to get the best possible score you can.